Your individual situation will determine how much money you should set up for emergencies. Most financial gurus advise saving at least three to six months’ worth of living costs as a general rule of thumb. This covers basic expenditures like rent or mortgage payments, utility bills, groceries, and other costs that are required. But, depending…
The Importance of Emergency Funds and How to Start Building One
Imagine this: One morning you awaken to discover that your car won’t start. You have it hauled to the shop, where the mechanic estimates the repairs will cost $1,000. Where are you going to acquire the cash? Or, even worse, consider quitting your job or experiencing a sudden medical emergency. How would you handle your…
How to save $3,000 in a year
It may seem impossible to save $3,000 in a year, but with some preparation and willpower, it is possible and you can do it! Today we’re showing you how to achieve it in just 12 months by establishing concrete monthly savings targets and reducing wasteful spending. Let’s break it down: Month 1: Save $250 Setting…